Too Much at Once

     Starting with Memorial Day it will be one event after another for close to a month.  Including one milestone.  Don’t look ahead they say.  Right.  Still after all these years I haven’t found out how not to. 

It all starts with Memorial Day.  If you have read my past posts, you know then how much that day meant to Ronnie and I.   Ronnie being a veteran.  Parades.  Ronnie marching.  Kids marching.  Then grandchild marching.  Barbeques with friends and family.  We laughed.  We had fun.  Our place was small, but crammed with friends and family.  Food all day. 

Then comes Ronnie’s 69th birthday.  That is so hard to even picture.  He was 61 when he passed.  We were always a simple couple.  He never demanded anything big for his birthday.  I would bake him a cake.  One year back in the beginning I did throw him a surprise party.  I actually pulled it off.  He was grateful for whatever we did. 

Next is Father’s Day.  Ronnie was a good father.  He did his best.  Often he was afraid he wasn’t doing enough, but I know he did all that he could.  We didn’t have a big home, newest of cars, or vacations.  But he was there for the kids.  He was a hard worker and provided well for his family.  We had a roof over our heads, food in our bellies, and clothes on our back.  Most of all, he gave love.  He then went on to become an amazing Papa.  How he loved our granddaughter.  Ronnie would have been in his glory with our two newest grandchildren. 

Coming up after Father’s Day is our granddaughter’s graduation from sixth grade.  She will be the third generation of our family to graduate from that school.  I did, our kids did, and now her.  Ronnie was such a part of her earlier school days.  He would take her back and forth to pre-school.  He would attend all events.  When he passed, one of her teachers said she had never seen a Grandfather so involved.  He would bring her flowers after her concerts or little shows they would put on.  He loved doing it.  He loved when they had show and tell.  Whatever was brought in had to begin with the letter of the day.  The two of them would go rummaging around to find something to take in.  I think he had more fun than she did doing it (smile).  Ronnie was already gone when she graduated from pre-school.  Cap and gown.  The whole route they did.  I am already anxious about the upcoming event.  Ronnie should be next to me sitting shoulder to shoulder like we always did.  I need him there.  It is events of this sort that only deepen the knife in my heart. 

The close of all these events will be our grandson’s third birthday.  Ronnie would have just loved this little guy.  I know he still does.  I can just picture in my mind how they would have gone fishing.  Ronnie loved fishing with the kids and me also.  They wouldn’t always catch something at the earlier ages.  They had their own little poles.  Sometimes a rock would get tangled in some seaweed.  We used to tell them they caught a rock fish.  They were so happy about that.  One of them even swore it bit them.  (smile)  Simple times.  That was what it was all about. 

Sadly I haven’t been bouncing back as much from each event anymore.  It is all starting to blur and become one long heartache.  I am not sure what is going on anymore with me.  Depression and anxiety have become unwelcome companions lately.  I have come so far but now I fear I can’t go further in my healing.  I don’t think it is just any one thing.  More like a pile of things adding up.

Stress is one huge factor in it.  That I know.  Endless, needless drama is also another factor.  I’m tired.  I’m worn.  Since a young child, I have been fighting an uphill battle to get through life.  Maybe my age has something to do with it.  My physical pain is getting worse each day.  Getting harder for me to always remain strong. 

I know all the right things to do and say to make myself better, but I don’t know how to make them work.  Each time I get myself to a place where I think it is okay, the other shoe always drops.  Many pairs of shoes have dropped already.  So to speak. 

I don’t like being negative.  Yet that is what I am going through right now.  I am being honest.  I am not going to paint a rosy picture when it doesn’t exist right now for me.  My faith still remains strong and that is what gets me through each day.  I am doing my best to keep believing in tomorrow.  Not always easy though.  I will keep praying to God for strength. 

I am not going to apologize for being honest about myself, but I will apologize for writing a gloomy post.  I do my best to put positive out there and right now I just don’t have it in me. 

Be kind and gentle to yourselves.  With others also.  You never know what they are going through and hiding behind those smiles. 

Hugs to each of you.  May God Bless.




About LuLu

I started this blog after it was strongly suggested by a friend. How happy I am that I did. It started out as my journey of grief. Much has changed since that time. I have changed in recent months After my stroke, which was a blessing in disguise, I realized life is too short. I finally put myself out there Even dated. About time. There may be times that grief does still hit but nothing like it did that is why this blog is about anything and everything. I still am not professional. I write from my heart still My writing is still raw and pure I am even going to change the picture Now instead of Boombah I am LuLu lol I joke with this name and others have liked it lol So I will carry on now and keep writing I hope I can inspire even one person Always remember kindness For yourselves as well as others
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2 Responses to Too Much at Once

  1. Debbie Easley says:

    Diane, I’m so sorry I didn’t read this sooner. I understand how stress can make things unbearable at times. When I feel that way I have just have to give it to God. Sometimes the stress feels like a heavy weight on my chest. I have aches too, but I’ve found walking with my dog every morning has helped me. Oh, I still have stress, but for a while I try to clear my mind and just take in the moment. Try to find joy in the sight of a beautiful tree, flower, a bird singing or the water in the creek. It’s so very hard to fight depression. I always pray for you, my dear friend. I’ve found comfort in your posts. You’re someone who gets it and tells it like it is. Losing a spouse just sucks! Wishing you a peaceful night and a better tomorrow. Love and (((hugs))) to you💗💗💗

    • boombah4 says:

      Thank you so much Debbie. I hope you know just how much I appreciated your kindness and friendship. I love what you said about getting out into nature. I love nature and I do find comfort in it. Yes, grief in general sucks. Only one word to describe it. Love and Hugs to you my dear friend.

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